Value Statements
WAWG believes:
- It is a basic human right for all individuals to live free of violence, oppression or exploitation.
- Violence against women* in its many forms stems from a global and cultural context of discrimination against women* and is supported by the economic, social and political structures of society.
- Many forms of abuse are illegal and all forms are morally offensive. Offenders must be held responsible and accountable for their behaviour. Victims are not responsible for the abuse they experience. Victims must be supported.
- Gendered violence has a destructive, long lasting impact on women*, children and family relationships, as well as the community as a whole.
- There is a profoundly negative impact on children who are exposed to woman* abuse.
- Women* and children who have experienced violence or abuse develop coping strategies necessary for their survival.
- Women* have the right to services that are person centered to meet their needs, regardless of social, cultural, racial, physical, religious, sexual orientation or economic factors.
- All members of WAWG, service users and the general public should be treated with respect, compassion, sensitivity and consideration for personhood.
- We believe in recognizing, respecting and valuing diversity in our community and aim to model this belief through our coalition.
*Woman Identified