Pervasive and widespread, woman abuse and sexual violence harm
women of all ages, sexual orientations, racial and ethnic backgrounds,
socio-economic classes and religions.

Assessing Gaps & Barriers
The Assessing Gaps & Barriers in VAW Services report was prepared by the Social Planning and Research Council for the Woman Abuse Working Group. The report builds upon the initial Asset Map and explores the gaps and barriers identified through statistics collection, broad surveys, focus groups, and key informant interviews. 19 recommendations were identified.
On Thursday July 14, 2016 WAWG held an interactive networking event to launch the Assessing Gaps & Barriers in VAW Services report.
WAWG would like to acknowledge all of the organizations, community members, and individuals who support WAWG’s action in ending violence against women. Special thanks to those organziations that opened their doors, offered their expertise and connected the SPRC research team to community members, staff, and individuals with lived experience who shared their insight throughout this project.
WAWG graciously acknowledges the funding provided by the Ministry of Community and Social Services which made this initiative possible.