Transitional and Housing Support Services for Women
Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton Niagara
Communauté francophone de Hamilton et la région du Niagara
- Services de soutien personnalisé et confidentiel qui abordent les problématiques liées à la violence à l’encontre des femmes
- Services d’aiguillage, de référence et d’accompagnement tels que dans de milieu hospitalier, policier et juridique, assistance pratique, défense des droits et intérêts et assistance pour compléter un rapport anonyme.
- Programme d’intervention précoce pour les enfants exposés à la violence
- Programme d’intervention auprès des partenaires violents (PAR) mandaté par la Cour
- Autres services offerts aux francophones de tout âge:
- Santé primaire (médecin de famille, infirmières, diététiste, services périnataux, ergothérapeute, soins des pieds, services aux aîné(e)s, etc.)
- Santé mentale et toxicomanie, programmes et services d’établissement et adaptation, et programmes et services en santé et bien-être
Téléphone : (905) 528-0163
Gratuit : 1 (866) 437-7606
Fax : (905) 528-9196
Adresse : 1320 rue Barton est, Hamilton ON, L8H 2W1
Site : http://www.cschn.ca/
Emplacement accessible ? Oui
Le service en français ? Oui
Services d’interprétation ? Non
Good Shepherd Women's Services
Population Served:
Women and their children
Services Offered:
- Mary’s Place; shelter residence for women
- Martha House; shelter residence for women and children fleeing abuse
- Community and counselling services; violence against women, child and youth, migrant women workers project, wellness program, sage family camp.
- Housing and support services; transitional housing and support program, legal advocate, family court support, second stage services, housing and stage works
- Medical services; health clinic, comfort foot care, dental hygiene for children
Crisis Line: (905) 523-6277
Phone: (905) 523-8766
Fax: (905) 523-0914
Web: www.goodshepherdcentres.ca/womens-services
Accessible location? Yes
French language services? Yes
Interpretation services? Off-site translation services available
Interval House of Hamilton
Population Served:
Women (16+) who are experiencing violence/abuse and
their children
Services Offered:
- 24 Hour/7 Day a Week Crisis Phone
- Emergency shelter providing meals, emergency clothing and personal needs at no cost to client
- Emergency transportation to shelter
- Counselling supports for women in house and in the community
- Child and youth support services
- Community Transitional Housing Support Program
- Support around access to legal systems (family, criminal, immigration, child welfare etc)
- Safety planning
Crisis: (905) 387-8881
Business Line: (905) 387-9959
Business Fax: (905) 387-0019
Program Fax: (905) 387-0563
E-mail: [email protected]
Accessible location? Yes
French language services? Yes
Interpretation services? Yes
Mission Services - Inasmuch House
Population Served:
Women, youth and children
Services Offered:
- Accommodation for 37 residents
- 24 hour confidential support on the crisis line
- Safety planning and risk assessment
- Individual and group support for women and children
- Information and referral for services in the community, including legal supports
- Emergency transportation to shelter
- Transition and housing support
- Legal Advocate
Crisis: (905) 529-8600
Business: (905) 529-8149
Fax: (905) 529-6156
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.mission-services.com/about-our-work/support-for-women/
Accessible location? Yes
French language services? Yes
Interpretation services? Yes – upon request
Native Women's Centre
Population Served:
All women and their children who are experiencing crisis
Services Offered:
- Emergency shelter, short term stay, 8 rooms totalling 15 beds
- Safety planning
- 24 hour crisis line
- Counselling for residents, non-residents and past residents
- Emergency transportation to Shelter
- Information and referrals to other community resources
- Woman Abuse Education Program
- Access to Traditional Native methods of healing, but remains sensitive to other cultures
- Referral to transitional housing; Honouring the Circle
- Transitional Housing Support worker on site
Toll free/Crisis: 1 (888) 308-6559
Telephone/Crisis: (905) 664-1114
Fax: (905) 664-1101
Web: www.nativewomenscentre.com
Accessible location? Yes
French language services? No
Interpretation services? No
Phoenix Place
Population Served:
Women and children
Services Offered:
- Individual and group counselling around breaking the cycle of violence
- Support and referrals to other community groups
- Support with respect to education, parenting, employment, housing, income support, health and wellness, legal aid and more
- Court assistance
Phone: (905) 527-2238
Fax: (905) 527-1219
Web: www.phoenixplace.ca/main.html
Accessible location? No
French language services? No
Interpretation services? No