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Header image of a woman and a child's face. The text reads: "Pervasive and widespread, woman abuse and sexual violence harm women of all ages, sexual orientations, racial and ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic classes and religions".

Pervasive and widespread, woman abuse and sexual violence harm
women of all ages, sexual orientations, racial and ethnic backgrounds,
socio-economic classes and religions.

Mobile header containing a woman's face and a child's face. The header contains the following text: "Woman abuse harms women of all ages, sexual orientations, ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic classes, & religions.

WAWG Responds to Black Lives Matter Movement

The Woman Abuse Working Group (WAWG) is in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. We believe that racism – individual, systemic, and institutional – is beyond unconscionable and must end, but it won’t until we all put the necessary work in to dismantle the oppressive, discriminative processes in place that tolerate, allow and even perpetuate racial injustice that is imbedded in our community, our Province and Country. 

WAWG is committed to the eradication of violence in Hamilton. We believe in recognizing, respecting and valuing diversity in our community and aim to model this belief through our coalition. However, there is still more we can do. In an effort to address issues of systemic racism, specifically anti-Black racism and anti-Indigenous racism, WAWG commits to reflect and represent the diversity of our community by challenging systems of oppression, injustice and standing in allyship with Black and Indigenous community partners. As individuals and organizations we also demonstrate our commitment to embedding the practice in our work everyday.

We stand in solidarity, we act in solidarity. We respectfully but ardently fight with, for, and alongside everyone actively working towards long overdue changes required to ensure an equitable, safer Hamilton for all.

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