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Header image of a woman and a child's face. The text reads: "Pervasive and widespread, woman abuse and sexual violence harm women of all ages, sexual orientations, racial and ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic classes and religions".

Pervasive and widespread, woman abuse and sexual violence harm
women of all ages, sexual orientations, racial and ethnic backgrounds,
socio-economic classes and religions.

Mobile header containing a woman's face and a child's face. The header contains the following text: "Woman abuse harms women of all ages, sexual orientations, ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic classes, & religions.

WAWG Op-Ed in the Hamilton Spectator: “Recent student conduct is appalling, we must put an end to rape culture”

WAWG op-ed written by Nancy Smith (WAWG co-chair and Executive Director of Interval House of Hamilton) and Jessica Bonilla-Damptey (Executive Director of SACHA, a WAWG member)

Oct 23, 2021

For years women have heard comments that degrade them, and read statements dismissing and minimizing these actions.

Stop! It’s time to put an end to “rape culture.”

Read the whole article HERE

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