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Header image of a woman and a child's face. The text reads: "Pervasive and widespread, woman abuse and sexual violence harm women of all ages, sexual orientations, racial and ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic classes and religions".

Pervasive and widespread, woman abuse and sexual violence harm
women of all ages, sexual orientations, racial and ethnic backgrounds,
socio-economic classes and religions.

Mobile header containing a woman's face and a child's face. The header contains the following text: "Woman abuse harms women of all ages, sexual orientations, ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic classes, & religions.


WAWG Press Conference: Declaring Intimate Partner Violence and Gender-Based Violence an Epidemic in Hamilton – July 7th, 2023

On Friday, July 7th, 2023, the Woman Abuse Working Group (WAWG) will be hosting a press conference. The co-chairs of WAWG, Erin Griver & Jessica Bonilla-Damptey, accompanied by member organizations of WAWG will gather outside of Hamilton City Hall (71 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON, …

WAWG Press Conference: Declaring Intimate Partner Violence and Gender-Based Violence an Epidemic in Hamilton – July 7th, 2023 Read More »

WAWG Op-Ed in the Hamilton Spectator: “Recent student conduct is appalling, we must put an end to rape culture”

WAWG op-ed written by Nancy Smith (WAWG co-chair and Executive Director of Interval House of Hamilton) and Jessica Bonilla-Damptey (Executive Director of SACHA, a WAWG member) Oct 23, 2021 For years women have heard comments that degrade them, and read …

WAWG Op-Ed in the Hamilton Spectator: “Recent student conduct is appalling, we must put an end to rape culture” Read More »

WAWG Statement Released by the Hamilton Spectator: July 29: Appeals court ‘extreme intoxication’ sex assault ruling sets a dangerous precedent

WAWG’s statement of outrage over the Ontario Court’s ‘extreme intoxication’ ruling as a legitimate defence for sexual assault was released in the Hamilton Spectator. Read it here: https://www.thespec.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editors/2020/07/29/july-29-appeals-court-extreme-intoxication-sex-assault-ruling-sets-a-dangerous-precedent-and-other-letters.html

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